Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Supreme Court

 I didn't know much about the Supreme Court before watching the videos about them. I knew that they were responsible for court cases that reached that high but other than this my knowledge of this facet of American law was lacking. After these videos, however, I can say that I've learned a fair amount about the Supreme Court and how they work.

1) Example of What I Learned:

The Supreme Court is integral to the judicial system because of its independence and power. No other facet of law can overturn this court which is especially crucial given how abusive those in higher power have the potential to be. While it isn't perfect, the Supreme Court does make America's judicial system a lot more balanced and stable.

2) Important Take-Away:

Like I said before, the most important takeaway for me would be the fact that the Supreme Court is not influenced by anything but the Constitution and their own selves. I believe this paired with their power is one of the most integral parts of the U.S. judicial system.

3) Most Surprising Thing I've Learned:

The most surprising thing I've learned about the Supreme Court through these videos would be how through time they have been a detriment towards changing for the better. I guess I should've expected this due to its nature of being guided by the Constitution alone but the extent of power that the Supreme Court has can be negative if the factors call for it.

4) Did My Opinion About The Supreme Court Change:

I have to say that my opinion of the Supreme Court has changed a lot after these two videos. I gained a lot more insight, knowledge, and history about this integral part of the American judicial system and through that, I know now that while there are major flaws to the Supreme Court, the strength that they bring to the American law and people cannot be overstated.

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