Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Evolution of Technology: What I Learned

What I Learned About My Peer's Presentations: 


The invention of the internet was ignited by a Russian satellite called Sputnik, which made the United States eager to catch up. 

J.C.R. Licklider made a network called the ARPANET Launch, which stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency (NET).

The internet allowed for a level of connection between people all over the globe that was nearly instant, likely being one of if not the most influential pieces of progress towards communication since the written language.

A con to the internet is the cybersecurity threats, one cut to the connecting wires in the ocean could spell doom to the world because of how important the internet is.

Our privacy can also be invaded, we could be cyber-bullied, and it can also serve as a distraction from other more important things.

Even so, there is no doubt that the internet is beyond necessary for a globalized society, and it all was founded on ARPANET.

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