Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression


    After looking at the Eight Values of Free Expression, I have to say that while most of them are of similar importance, the one that stood out to me the most personally would undoubtedly be promoting innovation. To me, this has been not only what the country was formed on in the first place but also what has kept it alive and (for the most part) ever-progressing and changing for the better.

    Innovation is something that stems directly from free will, directly being tied to self-expression as well as the betterment of the community. It allows for new leaps forward into the future in a way that people can choose. The "choice" element is vital here, as when it comes to the Eight Values of Free Expression, innovation is all about both the innovation as well as whether or not this innovation will become... innovative.

For example, take the invention of the light bulb. That was an expression of creativity, free will, and without a doubt intelligence. This can be applied to virtually all inventions, creations, and sources of media out there, and from this stems a country that promotes these same values which becomes better and only better from it.

    Through the Eight Values of Free Expression, innovation is not only allowed but encouraged due to the rewards it gives you. Google was created in a garage, and because of its innovation, is now a corporate giant with a stranglehold on its industry. This is an example of a very clear rule present in innovation: It gets you money.

    Inventing and creativity are rewarded in this system, and because it's the people who are the ones to choose what becomes beneficial and what doesn't, it means that innovators, no matter their moral standing, are better off if they put the betterment of the community in mind when creating something new.

    While there are obviously many facets of this system that are malicious and predatory, the core of this system stemmed from the Eight Values of Free Expression is in my opinion one that must be preserved for the betterment of this country's future.

    There are some present problems with innovation now, which will be explained in greater detail here. For instance, the rewards of innovation can be abused to the point where they no longer serve the betterment of the community without hindering their reward. This is common in corporations, no longer creating for everyone else but instead for the most profit humanly possible for their shareholders.

    Another quite common problem is monopolies. While we rightly have laws against them, there are too many cracks in my opinion that can allow monopolistic tendencies stemming from innovation to slip through and persevere.

Overall, the Eight Values of Free Expression are a paramount area of America's law. The innovation value is only one of the, while not perfect, crucial areas that we must follow and enact in order for the United States of America to prosper for the years to come. I am thrilled that these exist and cannot wait to learn more.

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