Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Effects of the Death of Privacy

     I knew that social media records and uses our information to target direct specified advertisements towards us before, but the extent of seemingly blatant breaches of privacy is alarming. Unfortunately, there isn't too much to do about it, and most of that involves just limiting the amount of opportunities these corporations have to use your data for their own gain. For me, the issues haven't really impacted me or my family. The worst thing about it is the creepiness of receiving advertisements similar to what you've been talking about. Because of this, I do believe that the government should add a little more moderation to the harmful practices that these corporations do as it is very likely that the worst of it is still hidden to this day. Thankfully, like I stated before, we can protect ourselves through VPNs, shutting down your phone when not in use, and avoiding technology with Wi-Fi whenever you're talking about private information you don't want known.

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